segunda-feira, 22 de novembro de 2010

André Martins Website project update

   Final render image for André Martins website. The phone has been changed by a new 3d model (samsung galaxy), to better suite the André Martins website contacts layout. Textures were added to the paper sheets on the board, some cables were also added and the plastic material for the cables was tweaked to have more reflections. The cables are made of splines. A pencil cup holder, with it's pencils, was also added for more realism.

cadartet computer desk 3d model 3dsmax vray

The scene was rendered with vray and was lighten up by 1 direct light for the sun, passing through a window, and 2 vray lights, one at the window on the left back and the other on the far right back of the image.

 -= CADartet Design Labs =-

sexta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2010

André Martins Website project

This is a work in development for André Martins website.
André Martins is a young web designer, and he is developing is webpage in flash.
He asked me to make a 3D scene of is office room for is home page, and this is my work so far...

Updates coming in the next days.

-= CADartet Design Labs =-

segunda-feira, 27 de setembro de 2010

SwimEx 500 S 3D Model

3D model of SwimEx 500 S, therapy swimming pool, made with 3ds max 9 and rendered with vray 1.5.
The SwimEx 500 S model present in all renders is the low resolution version, except for one wireframe render.
Its also included a 3D model of the swimometer (digital panel that shows and controls the speed of the water in real life product).
There are 2 different versions of SwimEx 500 S models, a high resolution and a low resolution model.

Max files for scanline, vray and mentalray, with materials and textures included.

Textures for the FBX version also included.

-=|.max and .fbx models info|=-

SwimEx 500 S Highres:
      * Polygons: 122368
      * vertices: 128050

SwimEx 500 S Lowres:

      * Polygons: 58005
      * vertices: 62756


      * Polygons: 5361
      * vertices: 5664

Buy SwimEx 500 S 3D Model at Falling Pixel
Buy SwimEx 500 S 3D Model at 3D Export
Buy SwimEx 500 S 3D Model at Exchange 3D

-=CADartet Design Labs=-

terça-feira, 31 de agosto de 2010

SwimEx 400 OS 3D Model

3D model of Swimex 400 OS, therapy swimming pool, made with 3ds max 9 and rendered with vray 1.5.
The Swimex 400 OS model present in all renders is the low resolution version and, except for presentation render,
all renders were illuminated only with a HDRI (included in textures folder)
Its also included a 3D model of the swimometer (digital panel that shows and controls the speed of the water in real life product).
There are 2 different versions of swimex 400 OS models, a high resolution and a low resolution model.

Max files for scanline, vray and mentalray, with materials and textures included.

Textures for the FBX version also included.


-=|.max and .fbx models info|=-

Swimex 400 OS Highres:

      * Polygons: 99576
      * Vertices: 103804

Swimex 400 OS Lowres:

      * Polygons: 48116
      * Vertices: 51843


      * Polygons: 5361
      * Vertices: 5664

Buy SwimEx 400 OS 3D Model at Falling Pixel
Buy SwimEx 400 OS 3D Model at 3D Export
Buy SwimEx 400 OS 3D Model at Exchange 3D

-=CADartet Design Labs=-

terça-feira, 27 de julho de 2010

SwimEx 1000 3D model

My latest work, 3D model of Swimex 1000, therapy swimming pool, made with 3ds max 9 and rendered with vray 1.5. The project also includes a 3D model of the swimometer (digital panel that shows and controls the speed of the water in real life product).

The .max files include 8 different modes of Swimex 1000 3d model, and there are 8 different .fbx versions:

Version with windows:
- 14 feet swimex 1000
- 16 feet swimex 1000
- 18 feet swimex 1000
- 18 feet swimex 1000 with 38" deep*

Version without windows:
- 14 feet swimex 1000
- 16 feet swimex 1000
- 18 feet swimex 1000
- 18 feet swimex 1000 with 38" deep

*version seen in images below

There are 3 different max files - scanline, vray and mental ray - and all textures and materials are included. Project is organized in layers to provide easier selection/structure of the different models.

Buy Swimex 1000 at 3D Export
Buy Swimex 1000 at Falling Pixel
Buy Swimex 1000 at Exchange3d

-=CADartet Design Labs=-

quarta-feira, 5 de maio de 2010

Combination Lock 3D model

This is a 3D model of a Zephyr combination lock.
It was modelled in 3ds Studio Max 9, using a scaled specifications image of the real model. All renders made with vray 1.5.

Below an example of its use in a 3D model of a sports locker.

Poly count:

Polys 8.752
Verts 9.199

Verts: 9.156

Polys: 8.752
Verts: 9.199

Buy Zephyr combination lock 3d model at Falling Pixel
Buy Zephyr combination lock 3d model at Exchange3D
Buy Zephyr combination lock 3d model at 3DExport

-=CADartet Design Labs=-

terça-feira, 2 de março de 2010

Stadium C Value Calculator

I made an excel sheet calculator - Stadium Cv - that calculates the riser height of a row, up to 60 rows, relative to the C-Value you desire, for a new stadium design.

It also has a C-Value calculator for a single row calculation, of a previous stadium design.

This version uses centimeters and meters as units only.

Here is a screen.

cadartet stadium c value calculator excell 

Here is the download link - Stadium-Cv-v1.2 download - (link updated in 18-09-2023 - cm with decimals - ex:1,0cm. Additional calculating sheets for extra stadium tiers and vip/sky boxes)

-=CADartet Design Labs=-

domingo, 21 de fevereiro de 2010

ArtetArena 3D Model

Some renders of a stadium i have been modeling since year 2000.

I named it ArtetArena and its capacity its over 80.000 spectators.

My intention is to make it as much realistic as possible, witch includes modeling the dressing rooms, auditorium, boxes, concourses, besides the stands, roof and facade.

For now this project is in stand by.
I will resume it after finishing some of the models I'm  working on.